Back to the Basics: Learning to Eat with Dentures

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — camsquaredental @ 6:10 pm
A diverse group of older adults enjoying a meal together at a wooden table

Regardless of how many went missing, tooth loss can greatly impact your daily quality of life. Teeth are crucial in your ability to smile, speak, and eat. When you have gaps in your grin, these once-simple tasks suddenly become more difficult.

Your dentist can thankfully restore the functionality and appearance of your teeth with dentures. These lifelike prosthetics allow you to once again talk and chew more easily. That said, it can take some time to learn how to use them effectively.

Keep reading to learn 3 helpful tips to help you adapt to eating with dentures in your mouth!

Tip #1: Start Softly

It’s natural to feel eager to jump right into normal activities once you finally receive your dentures, but it’s a good idea to take it easy to start off with. Your gums and jaw will likely be somewhat sore as they adjust to the constant pressure of supporting your artificial teeth.

To avoid irritating them unnecessarily, it’s a good idea to stick to soft foods initially. Popular options include pureed foods like applesauce, pudding, scrambled eggs, yogurt, and mashed potatoes.

Tip #2: Check the Temperature

Overly hot foods can warp the acrylic base of your dentures, so they no longer fit. It’s important to avoid them if you want to keep your restoration in good shape. Unfortunately, your natural teeth help you sense when foods are too hot or cold, so judging temperatures is harder without them. You’ll need to learn how to do this in other ways to safeguard your prosthetics.

Some visual cues, like steam, can indicate that your meal may be too hot, but it’s important to check the temperature before putting it in your mouth. Many patients find it helpful to gently touch their food to their lips to test it first. This simple technique can save you from scalding your mouth and melting your artificial teeth out of shape.

Tip #3: Practice Patiently

It’s natural to feel frustrated if you have to practice a basic skill like chewing, but it takes time for your mouth to adjust to life with dentures. Your tongue and other muscles must relearn how to perform certain tasks with your restoration in place. It can take several weeks to a month for them to learn how to accommodate the new movements required. You can speed up the process by practicing frequently to induce more muscle memory in your mouth.

Be patient with yourself during this time; even if you’re dissatisfied with your progress now, it won’t be long until you’re so used to dentures that you forget you’re wearing them!

About the Author

Dr. Yana Nemtseva enjoys working closely with patients to enhance their lives by improving their oral health. She achieved her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the New York University College of Dentistry and stays on top of the latest advancements in technology and techniques with continuing education courses in various topics. She takes the time to get to know you and your unique needs to offer fully individualized treatment plans to meet them. Then, using state-of-the-art technology, she provides accurate, long-lasting results. If you’re suffering from tooth loss and are interested in dentures, you can request a consultation appointment on the website or by calling (732) 972-6400.

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